Primary Care
Primary Care PT
RHE’s primary mission is to prepare physical therapists for primary care roles. Get started on your journey…
In-Person Courses
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What is primary care PT?
Many PTs have heard of ‘primary care PT’, but the term is often misunderstood, as a widely-accepted definition and practice description have yet to be established. The APTA Primary Care Special Interest Group is developing practice descriptions, and a brand new clinical specialization in Primary Care PT is anticipated in the near future. Based on our knowledge of these developing practice descriptions, we created these graphics to help clinicians better understand this practice area.
Primary Care CEU Courses
Take your whole health PT evaluation & management skills to the next level. Visit our online platform by clicking the course links for both self-study and live, virtual CEU course options.
Want to Host an In-Person Course?
Our flagship course ‘Foundations for the Primary Care PT: A Hands-On Workshop’ can come to you!